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Avoid Costly Aircon & Heater Breakdowns with Regular HVAC Maintenance

The weather in Utah can be unbearable during the summer and cold during the winter.

Having your HVAC system stops working in the middle of summer or winter can be a stressful and costly experience.

A regular HVAC maintenance with your trusted HVAC contractor should be marked on your calendar if you want to avoid untimely breakdowns.

We give you the ins and outs of regular HVAC maintenance so that you will never put it off again.

The Importance of HVAC Maintenance

If you want your HVAC system running at its peak condition and not having to deal with surprise breakdowns, preventive HVAC maintenance is the key.

There are long periods during the year when a part of your HVAC system is not used so you tend to neglect it.

If you did the same thing to your car you would expect a major breakdown as well. 

Think about not changing the oil in your car and not performing any kind of tune-up. When your car breaks down it would be due to neglect which results in costly repairs.

The same thing can happen with your HVAC system. Even if you have the best and most expensive system installed, a complex piece of machinery is prone to breakdowns and repairs especially if you fail to maintain it properly.

You can reduce the incidence of repairs and breakdowns by keeping a schedule for HVAC maintenance.

Benefits of HVAC Maintenance

Is the cost of HVAC maintenance worth it? What are the benefits of having regular maintenance?

The benefits can be short term and long term but as a whole, there are significant benefits which we share below:

Less Energy Bills

Your HVAC system may be running and it seems like there are no signs of any problems. Try checking on your energy bills and you might get surprised.

A neglected system doesn’t automatically mean that it will breakdown at once. It starts with poor performance in keeping your home at a comfortable level. Dirty systems make your equipment work harder which results in higher energy bills and faster wear and tear.

We compare it once more with your car. A tuned-up vehicle runs efficiently and consumes less fuel, your HVAC system consumes lower energy after having professional maintenance.

Fewer Repairs

If you notice strange sounds or smell an odor coming from your furnace, you should call for a check-up right away.

Catching problems outright can avoid costly repairs in the future. A loose belt, for example, can be the cause of the strange sound. If you replace it in time, you can avoid the bigger damage a snapped belt can cause inside your system.

Preventing future repairs can save you money which makes regular maintenance worth it.

Longer Lifespan

Regular service and cleaning helps your aircon, furnace and other HVAC equipment function at their peak.

One malfunctioning part can trigger a domino effect that can cause the entire system to fail.

Regular HVAC maintenance can stop this from happening and add years to your equipment’s lifespan.

Less Breakdowns

Who doesn’t want a stress-free cooling and heating season in Utah? HVAC breakdowns can be uncomfy and inconvenient especially when equipment breaks down during a cold winter night or hot summer afternoon.

Lessen the odds of this happening with professional maintenance services.

Safe Operations

A neglected HVAC system does not only cost you money and inconvenience; it can also endanger your home and family.

A crack in your furnace can lead to carbon monoxide leaks that can poison the air in your home. An electric HVAC system, on the other hand, can have a short circuit that can lead to a fire if ignored.

The safety of your family and property is a big reason for having regular HVAC maintenance.

Read More Here: What does an HVAC Contractor offer to clients?

Maintenance Tasks You Can DIY

Leaving the heavy lifting to the pros is a good idea. You can plan a maintenance service in the summer for your cooling system and again in the fall for your heating equipment.

For systems with heat pumps, twice a year check-ups are recommended.

In between these professional visits, you can do DIY tasks to help keep your system running smoothly until the next regular maintenance schedule.

Here are some tasks you can do:

  • Change your filters every month. Modern equipment have indicators that tell you when a filter needs cleaning or replacement
  • Clean your outdoor unit from dust and debris
  • Hose down your outdoor unit when dusting alone can’t remove the dirt
  • Keep your foliage at least 18 inches from your outdoor unit
  • Keep supply and return registers free from blockage due to drapes, rugs or furniture.

Professional HVAC Maintenance Services from Efficient Systems Heating and Cooling

Many Utah homeowners think that they can complete HVAC maintenance services themselves. The truth is, the task requires skills, tools, and experience only professional HVAC companies can deliver.

Here are the reasons why you should leave regular maintenance to us:

  • Our certified experts are always ready to repair, install and maintain your heating and cooling systems.
  • We will check your HVAC system to know about its overall performance. We will know if your system is safe and working properly.
  • Our technicians can replace parts that are old or worn down, your HVAC systems will be up and running in no time
  • If you need an HVAC equipment replacement, we have high quality and dependable HVAC units available depending on your budget
  • We are backed up by the best warranties in the industry
  • We are backed up by 8 years of experience in keeping families warm in the cold winter season and cool during the hot summer months
  • Fair pricing and excellent service, that’s what you get when you avail of our services

Keep in mind that regular maintenance is the best weapon you have against these sudden HVAC equipment mishaps.

Join the long list of happy and satisfied customers we have.

Call or send us a message now. Our trained technicians are ready to ensure that you and your family will stay comfortable all year long.